Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Grapes and grape tomatoes do not go together

Do grapes and grape tomatoes go well together?...

Grapes. Grape tomatoes. They should go together, right? Both are cute sizes. Both are great to pop in your mouth. One is sweet, the other acidic. Both are pretty colors.

I just ate some grapes and followed it with a few grape tomatoes. Now my stomach is mad. WARNING: Do NOT eat grapes with grape tomatoes.

How much cholesterol is in the KFC Double Down Sandwich?

KFC has a new sandwich where instead of bread for the buns, it has chicken patties:
  • A fried chicken patty
  • 2 slices of cheese
  • 2 slices of bacon
  • and another fried chicken patty.
Curious about the nutrition is for this monster, I went onto the KFC website. But as of August 25, 2009; the nutrition info for the Doubledown Sandwich not listed on their website. The most recent update to their nutrition guide is labeled from April 2009: "kfc_nutrition_april09.pdf." Shouldn't it be illegal for a restaurant with over X-number locations to not list the nutrition of all their food? How can KFC can put out a sandwich without making available the facts that will inform people how dangerous it can be?

The Huffington Post reports:
The Vancouver Sun has done an independent calorie analysis for the "Double Down" and has concluded the "sandwich" likely has 1228 calories.

But if our figures hold true, and KFC won't confirm they don't, the Double Down is more caloriffic than the Wendy's Triple with Everything and Cheese (1700 mg sodium, 960 calories, 26 gms of fat), the Burger King Stacker Quad (1770 sodium, 1020 calories, 69 gms of fat), and compares closely to the fat, salt and calorie totals of three McDonalds Big Macs put together (3060 sodium, 1620 calories, 87 gms fat).
Thank goodness for newspapers getting the facts. What will we do without our newspapers? SRSLY. THREE BIG MACS? Wow. I wonder how much cholesterol it has. I sent KFC an email.